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Know your brand like you know yourself


A business is just that – a business, right? It doesn’t have thoughts and feelings that we need to consider, but in reality, our business’ brand is seen by the world as an extension of ourselves. Which is why we need to get down to the nitty gritty and really get to know our brands personality by answering these six questions:

 1. Why are we here?

  • Find your why.
  • Why do you want other to know about your brand?
  • Why do you have a passion for what you do?

  2. What do we do?

  • Show what you’re currently doing and what your plans are for the future.
  • A clear direction makes for a clearer brand.

 3. Who do we do it for?

  • Find your people and get to know them.
  • What is it about these people that make them your ideal consumer?
  • With the right content comes the right audience.

 4. What makes us different?

  • Why are you unique? – It’s the little things that count.

  5. What do we value?

  • Prioritise what you value over what you think others will value about you.
  • What other people think about your brand is less important than what you think about it.
  • When you know your values, they will shine through your brand!

  6. What is our personality?

  • The hard hitting question – WHO ARE WE?
  • How are you being seen by your consumers, is it how you want to be portrayed?

Knowing the answers to these means knowing your brand, which will inevitably show a stronger direction and focus on targeting your ideal client.
